Digital Marketing Trends in 2019 with Videos From 18 Marketing Experts
The phrase that says “if you do not have an online presence, you do not exist” is very true, BUT it’s not sufficient in 2019. You need to know what channels are better to focus on, what tools you need to use in order to attract new clients this year.
This is the 5th consecutive year when Hot in Social Media is asking some of the most experienced marketers around the world about their opinions on the 2019 digital marketing trends. Also, this year is the first time ever when we’ve asked and received video answers from top marketers, and we’ve succeeded to make the only digital marketing video roundup for 2019 with all the 18 answers we’ve received.
Without any more introductions, I want to say a big THANK YOU to all the marketers that spent a few minutes to record and send me their opinions, and if you are serious about digital marketing in 2019… you’ll have to watch the video from the full article right here.
What are the Most Important Digital Marketing Trends in 2019?
Neal Schaffer
CEO, PDCA Social
For digital marketing in 2019 chatbot technology on websites will become mainstream, so learn to leverage or better utilize this technology.
Miri Rodriguez
Storyteller at Microsoft
Artificial Intelligence will integrate itself more into digital marketing and help us provide a more simplified and personal customer experience. But empathy will drive the H2H connection when we share the brand story.
Jason Falls
Director of Digital Strategy
Connecting the dots of data to the outcomes of marketing initiatives.
Jessika Phillips
Founder & Relationship Marketing System
NOW Marketing Group
2019 will be the Year Companies embrace using social media to build a better relationship with their audience.
One thing is for sure, the trends of Digital Marketing will continue to change. New shiny social media tools and apps release almost daily so the key isn’t to focus on your technique, not the tool, app or trend.
You’re approach each and every year is to focus on building better relationships with your audience but this will be exceptionally true in 2019 as social media sites and Google reward better content, engagement and overall relationship marketing practices through showing brand that follow these practices more in the newsfeed and penalizing brands who try to cut corners.
To build a better relationship marketing approach in 2019 you can; Take a look at your goals, identify your ideal audience, then decide how you can use Social Media and online marketing to better serve that audience.
The goal is to out C.A.R.E. everyone in your space.
C-Capture attention through helpful, engaging or entertaining content.
A-Artitulate your message
R- Relationship approach to serving your audience, collaborating with like-minded people within your space,
E- Experiences that are -Exceptional is the brand goal. You do this through engagement on and off your website. Pretend that each person dealing with your company will be the spokesperson for your company. What would you want them to say, what kind of experience would you like them to have on your website, searching on Google to find you, engaging with you on social media.
Use this outline to plan out your year of what you want to accomplish within your goals, who you want to work with and then take a look at the top social media sites that audience will be hanging out on. Focus on putting the “social” back in social media.
Jeff Korhan
Keynote Speaker, Author & Founder of Landscape Digital Institute
Marketing is a conversation. When digital marketing encourages conversations the business learns how to serve its audience. That engagement produces useful data that reliably predict future buying behavior.
Ted Rubin
The Rubin Organization
If brands are hoping to stay relevant and keep up with the content creation phenomenon, 2019 needs to be the year of Empowering Employees to Power your Brand.
It’s plain and simple — employee censorship on social channels is a disaster for brands. We can no longer control the message folks. The social framework is “bigger and stronger” than our puny frameworks. Instead of fighting it every step of the way, USE it to your advantage, or you’ll pay a steep price in diminished return. Your employees are the best way to humanize and personalize your brand… and truly the best way to scale relevant, contextual content creation
Did you know that employee-created content (ECC) receives eight times more engagement than content shared from the company itself? On top of that, employee content extends brand messaging by over 500%. Crazy, right? So why aren’t more companies getting employees engaged in content creation? It’s well known that companies with engaged employees outperform their peers; involving employees in content creation can help to create a sense of common purpose.
The truth of the matter is that social evolution is a business evolution. Only by changing our old frameworks can we possibly hope to succeed — because social has completely altered the business landscape. #ROE… Return on Employees.
Empower your Employees and they will Power your brand.
#RetailRelevancy… #NoLetUp!
See all the Video Answers from 18 Experts & Read the full article here!