Useful Tips to Increase Amazon Conversion Rate in 2018
The conversion rate is a way that Amazon measures how often your product is purchased by customers based on how many times the page is viewed.
Along with relevancy and visibility, Amazon factors conversion rates as one of its three vital important product ranking factors.
The better your conversation rates, the better your product is going to rank on Amazon which, ultimately, will increase your revenue. This guide is going to show you how to increase Amazon conversion rate by doing some easy and fast optimizations.
How to Increase Amazon Conversion Rate in 2018?
Optimised Product Titles
One of the main parts of an optimized product listing is the title. It must read well and should give a clear indication of what the product is. The title should also include plenty of keywords that are relevant to the product.
Keywords are essential to where your product ranks in the search results. The better your keywords, the better you will rank which increases conversions. However, don’t go overboard and use every keyword you can think. Only use the best and most relevant keywords in the product title. The rest will be used later on.
The title should also include your brand at the start of the listing, as well as the size and color of the product.
Here is a great example:
Optimised Product Photos
Product images are also key to having a fully optimized product listing; they are one of the first things that a customer will notice. If the photos are poor, a customer is going to either scroll past it or go back to previous search results.
Make sure you have plenty of high-quality pictures. It is recommended that you have a minimum of four pictures per product. Include a variety of angles and show how it is used in practice.
Optimised Product Features
Another important part of an optimized Amazon listing is the product features. They should be describing how the product functions, not how it benefits the customer. Use short and sweet bullet points to describe the product in a well-structured, easy to read manner. Again, keywords are important to include as many as you can.
Amazon will give you five to start, but you are not restricted to this number. Use as many as you need to get the features across to your visitors.
See this product for an example:
Optimised Product Descriptions
The final section that must be fully optimized is the product description. This should say why the customer should buy your product. This is where you should use any spare keywords that have not been included in the product title or features. Include pictures of the product in action in this section if possible.
Keyword Tracking
This is one of the most effective methods to increase Amazon conversion rates.
Like we have discussed already, keywords are vital when it comes to ranking a product on Amazon. The more relevant it is, the higher the chances a customer will find your product. Organic keyword rankings are the single element that builds automated, passive Amazon businesses.
To find the best keywords, research is required. Keywords must attract customers that are actively seeking to find and purchase your product. So, with that in mind, knowing which keywords are generating the right traffic is crucial.
This is where keyword tracking comes in. A keyword tracker tool helps you see which keywords rank best for your product. Furthermore, it will help discover new ones. If your business sells in a competitive niche, another benefit of using a keyword tracker is to see what they are ranking for. You can then use this information for your own listing.
The higher that your product ranks, the better your product will convert from a viewing to a sale.
Customer Reviews
There are many people who will only buy a product based on how well it has been reviewed. Products that have been received well are going to convert to sales.
5-star products are going to rank, and therefore convert, higher than 1-star items. However, it’s not just about getting positive reviews. It’s important to get reviews in general.
This product is number one in the rankings and has a lot of reviews:
If you a new business, Amazon has a great service that encourages customers with a positive review history to leave feedback. This is the Amazon Early Reviewer Program.
Amazon recognizes during the early stages, reviews can be hard to come by. So, by using the early reviewer program, they reach out to customers on your behalf and ask them to leave a review. In return, they provide the customers with a money off voucher they can use next time they use Amazon.
There are also some big no-no’s when it comes to reviews, one of which is asking people you know to leave a review. This violates Amazon’s terms of service to stay away from anything like this. If you get caught, your account could get shut down which is far from ideal.
Answered Questions
This section is probably the most underappreciated on an Amazon product listing.
Customers can ask questions here regardless if they have purchased the product or not. When it comes to answering them, the seller is not the sole source. In fact, other customers can also have their say. There is room for discussions here because Amazon allows multiple answers. Those that are seen as the most applicable are voted up.
Preferably, it’s better than you, as the seller, are answering as many questions as you can. This shows that you active in creating great customer service and you build your brand’s reputation as you do so. On top of that, you can keep an eye on all the answers to make sure everything that is being said about your product is correct.
The ‘Answered Questions’ section then works in a similar way as product reviews. The more questions that are asked and answered with positive feedback, the better your conversion rates.
Use The ‘Frequently Bought With’ Section
Cross promoting your products is a great way to increase conversion rates. This part of Amazon is great for impulse purchases. In a nutshell, it’s free advertising so you want to show off your other products on a single listing. Someone who is looking at your brand is interested in what you have to offer so exploit that for an easy sale.
The drill we saw earlier is a great example:
You don’t have control on which products get shown in this section. This is Amazon’s decision, but you can influence what they put there. To get your products there, you need to encourage customers to purchase your items together.
One way you can do this is by giving customers an incentive to buy the other product with a discount code in the ‘Special Offers’ section. Alternatively, offer discounted or free shipping on second products purchased at your store. Shipping costs for multiple products will be one of the largest decision influencers for many potential customers.
It won’t take many purchases for Amazon to suggest that second product as a recommended item.
Product Variations
If you have a product that comes in different colors, shapes or sizes, you should contain all variations into one listing on Amazon. Collecting related products together under a single parent improves the customer experience, and therefore conversion rates.
When customers select your product, the variations enable them to choose their preferred model. In terms of rankings, it is also a lot more efficient to rank a single product than to rank each variation.
However, it should be noted that if you have a lot of variations then it can deter the customer from making a purchase. If you have over 10 variations of a single product, create separate listings for each variation.
Also, do not abuse the child-parent feature. If you continually include unrelated products under a single parent, your product reviews are going to take a hit which is going to decrease conversion rates.
This is a good example:
Compare Your Product’s Price To Competitor’s
Pricing has a large effect on how likely a customer is going to buy a product. If they can find it cheaper in someone else’s store, they will. Customers are always looking at how to save as much money as they can.
This means that you should be frequently checking how your competitors are pricing products, so you don’t get undercut.
With that being said, you don’t want to make your product too much cheaper than theirs either. If you do, it makes your product look like a cheap knockoff and will harm conversions.
This article has described the basics of how to improve conversion rates. Keyword research combined with Amazon selling tools and optimized product listings are going to increase your conversion rates the fastest. Once you notice the increase in sales, make sure you are doing all you can to encourage customer reviews.
A final word: do not have static product listings. Make small alterations to your listings to see if there are any changes in sales. Give them some time to settle so you can see if they have a better impact or you need to revert back to their original state.
See also: Amazon is one of the most visited websites in the world